What to wear when traveling to Iran as a tourist?
What is Islamic cover like?
How do female travelers feel about wearing Islamic cover (Hijab)?
Is it worth trying?
These are just a few of the many questions puzzling women who intend to travel to Iran. Such travelers are eager to see the mysteries of the Persian land but they have their own concerns. Hijab or the Islamic cover is the one of dilemmas that the female tourists face about visiting Iran.
It is like traveling to a whole different world! But it is the law and as everyone agrees we should respect the rules of every country, as well as the customs and beliefs of the people when visiting them. But how does it feel like?
Would you like to give it a try?
For many tourists, it is out of the question.
Covering the whole body? Even the hair? No way!
That is probably the answer you will get from most of the female tourists.
But how do some get along with this? And is it worth trying?
Possibly it is not that awful. Cuz if it was, you couldn’t find so many females who have tried it not once but a couple of times.
The best answer always comes from those who have done it personally.
Some years ago, I raised the same question to some women visitors as Iran TV reporter. I was really eager to find out how they felt.
And the answer was totally amazing! Some said; they have got used to it. Some said it was not that bad. I remember talking to a middle-aged lady from Germany who told me: “I would probably miss something when I go back home.”
Some liked the feeling, a feeling of security.
Although experiencing something first hand is different, what others feel can give you a good insight.
Anyway, it is the law and must be followed. But the good thing is that the practice is not as strict as it used to be or as it supposed to be. At the beginning of the revolution, the complete form of Islamic cover meant wearing a long dress like a nun and covering the whole hair. But the conditions loosened after the presidency of Mr. Khatami both for the female Iranians and for the foreigners. Since then it has been much more lenient especially for the tourists. The increased interest in tourism has for sure helped the situation. Whatever the cause, the important consequence is that the rules are not tough anymore. Wearing a usual blouse and pants is fine as long as it covers the whole body. The only difference is the scarf which is not a big deal.
Well, you can’t say unless you try it on yourself.